Selected projects in data science and machine learning

Using supervised machine learning to predict employee attrition

#Python #Jupyter #MachineLearning #Pandas #NumPy #sklearn

Employee attrition the departure of employees from an organization for any reason (voluntary or involuntary).

In this project, I want to identify factors that drive attrition and build a supervised machine learning model to predict whether an employee will attrite.

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Predicting hotel booking cancellations with classification and hypothesis testing

#Python #Jupyter #MachineLearning #Pandas #NumPy #Classification #HypothesisTesting #sklearn

I want to analyze the data provided to find which factors have a high influence on booking cancellations, build a predictive model that can predict which booking is going to be canceled in advance and help in formulating profitable policies for cancellations and refunds.

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Travel package purchase prediction

#Python #Jupyter #MachineLearning #Pandas #NumPy #Classification #HypothesisTesting #sklearn

The goal is to build a model to predict which customer is potentially going to purchase the newly-introduced travel package.

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